Buchtipp: »S« von J.J. Abrams

»S« ist eigentlich ein richtiges Leseerlebnis, da man im Schuber nicht nur ein Buch, sondern auch jede Menge Gimmicks wie Karten, Fotos, Postkarten und Briefe bekommt, wodurch die Geschichte mehrschichtiger und deutlich greifbarer wird.
One book. Two readers. A world of mystery, menace and desire. A young woman picks up a book left behind by a stranger. Inside it are his margin notes, which reveal a reader entranced by the story and by its mysterious author. She responds with notes of her own, leaving the book for the stranger, and so begins an unlikely conversation that plunges them both into the unknown. The Book: Ship of Theseus, the final novel by a prolific but enigmatic writer named V. M. Straka, in which a man with no past is shanghaied onto a strange ship with a monstrous crew and launched on a disorienting and perilous journey. The Writer: Straka, the incendiary and secretive subject of one of the world’s greatest mysteries, a revolutionary about whom the world knows nothing apart from the words he wrote and the rumours that swirl around him. The Readers: Jennifer and Eric, a college senior and a disgraced grad student, both facing crucial decisions about who they are, who they might become, and how much they’re willing to trust another person with their passions, hurts and fears. S., conceived by filmmaker J.J. Abrams and written by award-winning novelist Doug Dorst, is the chronicle of two readers finding each other in the margins of a book and enmeshing themselves in a deadly struggle between forces they don’t understand. It is also Abrams and Dorst’s love letter to the written word.
Im Grunde genommen liest man gar nicht so viel am Stück (zumindest geht es mir so), sondern nimmt das Buch immer mal wieder zur Hand, liest ein paar Seiten und schaut sich das ganze Drumherum in Ruhe an.
Die vielen Kommentare und Anmerkungen ergeben eine Vielschichtigkeit, die einen immer wieder verblüffen, und man arbeitet sich fast schon durch die ganzen Informationen durch, um dem eigentlichen Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen. Allein die Aufmachung und die Liebe zum Detail, die in dieses Buch geflossen ist, lohnen die Anschaffung, auch wenn die Geschichte teilweise nicht ganz meinen Erwartungen entsprach.


* Filled with secrets and stories that are endlessly beguiling and inviting Wired * S. is at the heart of Abrams‘ aesthetic vision … Not only do we get a novel, Ship of Theseus, purportedly by a „VM Straka“ – about a man shanghaied onto a mysterious boat with a demonic crew – the copy in the reader’s hand is heavily annotated by two other readers, Jennifer and Eric, who are attempting to make sense of the text and themselves, as well as the enigmatic figure of Straka himself. Interleaved into it are countless pieces of ephemera: postcards, telegrams, a map scribbled on a napkin from the Pronghorn Java coffee shop … S., in its elegant slipcase, is the mystery box that can be opened without dispelling its mystery. It is as much of a love letter to the form as Super 8 was a homage to the films of Spielberg — Stuart Kelly Guardian * It genuinely feels as if you, as the reader, have stumbled on a literary relic, the sole copy of a twisted conspiracy … that sense of wonder that has driven Abrams‘ entire career is found on every page of S. Scotland on Sunday * A book you long to share with others Metro * S. is not a normal book New York Times * Genuinely awe-inspiring Independent * What we have is a new kind of book which is, in essence, a very old kind of book. As they say in Abrams‘ Hollywood, it’s so crazy it just might work Financial Times * Astonishing — Mark Lawson, BBC Front Row * Multilayered wonder Evening Standard

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Emmy Award-winning filmmaker J.J. Abrams has produced, directed, or written films and television shows including Fringe, Lost, Alias, Felicity, Star Trek, Cloverfield, Super 8, Mission: Impossible, and more. Doug Dorst teaches writing at Texas State University-San Marcos. He is author of the PEN/Hemingway-nominated novel Alive in Necropolis and the collection The Surf Guru. His work has appeared in McSweeney’s, Ploughshares, Epoch, and elsewhere. Dorst is also a three-time Jeopardy! champion.


Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Nächster Beitrag

Spieleübersetzungen – ein paar typische Probleme (wird noch ergänzt)

  1. Ein tolles Buch mit einem großartigen Konzept. Ist aber auch recht anstrengend zu lesen. Die Leute gehen da unterschiedlich ran, manche lesen erste die Hauptgeschichte und dann die Kommentare, andere (wie ich) alles auf einmal.
    Das Buch ist schon vor zwei Jahren erschienen, und bisher hat sich da noch kein deutscher Verlag rangetraut.

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